Kamis, 18 Februari 2016


We are sorry for our lateness in informing all participants.

After much deliberation, the judges agreed to make it not 10 but 15 participants who made it to the final.

Here are the top 15 (not according to score order).

1. 3 Serangkai - Universitas Indonesia

2. Savory - President University
3. Eternal Technology - Institut Teknologi Indonesia
4. Nemonic - Telkom University
5. Aero Engineer - Universitas Gadjah Mada
6. IE Unpar - Universitas Parahyangan
7. Erfolg - Universitas Indonesia
8. Planter Craft - Universitas Padjajaran
9. Isvana - Institut Teknologi Bandung
10. Made By Indonesia Team - Universitas Bina Nusantara
11. Artinta Gemilang - Universitas Trisakti
12. Amreta - Prasetiya Mulya
13. Baluarti - Universitas Sebelas Maret
14. Chef's Pizza - Prasetiya Mulya
15. King of Jungle - Universitas Brawijaya

Congratulation the 15 teams who make it to the final.

We wish you luck for the Final Presentation on February 25th 2016 at Trisakti University :)

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2016


"Develop Local Business Go Global"


Friday, February 26th 2016


09.00 WIB - Finish


Sakura Meeting Room Floor 1,
Grand Tropic Suites Hotel, Grogol, Jakarta Barat

*(in confirmation)

Keynote Speaker

AAGN Puspayoga*
Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprise


Jonathan Sofian Lusa
Vice President of Research and Standardization of 
Indonesia E-Commerce Association (idEA)

Wisnu Dewobroto
CEO Gajah Mungkur Group

Chris Winston
Founder of Job Match - Making App Zelos

Ticket Price

Early Bird (14-21 Feb) : 35.000
Late Bird (22-26 Feb) : 50.000
Free Lunch + Certificate + Seminar Kit + Snack


2. Transfer registration fee to BANK BNI 0357605546 a/n 
    Renanda Rizky Lestari Dewi
3. Send confirmation message along with the payment receipt 
    with format : Full Name_University/Institution_Phone Number
    via email to intention.trisakti@gmail.com 
    or via our CP’s line or WA.

Further Details

Nadia (0812 1166 9650)
LINE : nadiasari
Athalia (0877 7732 7099)
LINE : athaliaauberty  

LINE INTENTION : @djm4630e

Email : intention.trisakti@gmail.com

Rabu, 10 Februari 2016


We would like to remind once again that the registration to Business Plan Competition Innovative Entrepreneur Competition (INTENTION) will be closed tonight at 23.59 WIB.
All participants who haven't submitted the submission form and business proposal must send both the submission form and business proposal to intention.trisakti@gmail.com at 23.59 WIB the latest.
Thankyou for your attention and goodluck Smiling face with smiling eyes

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2016

Registration Extended Until February 10

For those who haven't registered to Business Plan Competition Innovative Entrepreneur Competition (INTENTION) by Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas Trisakti  

REGISTRATION EXTENDED UNTIL FEBRUARI 10th 2016 and It means your chance for being the owner of "Piala Menteri Koperasi dan Ukm Republik Indonesia" is still available for 6 days!!! 


here's the link to download the submission form :

Stay tune on our blog : 

 instagram: intention.usakti 


Further information you can contact us through : 
081282987360 (Renanda)  
081291818480 (Vanessa) 
LINE ID : @djm4630e

Kamis, 14 Januari 2016

Ikuti Lombanya dan Bawa Pulang Piala Menteri Koperasi dan UKM Republik Indonesia !

Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas Trisakti proudly presents :
Business Plan Competition 2016
"Innovative Entrepreneur Competition (INTENTION) dengan tema Develop Local Business Through Creative Inovation" untuk memperebutkan Piala Kementrian Koperasi dan UKM Indonesia

Untuk seluruh mahasiswa aktif S1/D3 dari perguruan tinggi di Indonesia dengan syarat:
1. Satu tim beranggotakan 2 sampai 3 orang dari universitas yg sama.

Kriteria business plan :
1. Inovasi berangkat dari suatu permasalahan atau kebutuhan konsumen (pain points)
2. Menggunakan Business Model Canvas

DEADLINE PENDAFTARAN : 20 November 2015 - 7 Februari 2016

Presentasi Top 10 : 25 Februari 2016 

Biaya Pendaftaran: IDR 250.000 // via transfer rek BNI 0317815697 a.n Lulu Pearla D

Formulir Pendaftaran dapat diunduh disini:

CP : 081282987360 (Renanda) 
        081291818480 (Vanessa)

LINE ID : @djm4630e

Come and Join Us !